Sometimes we come across a video talking about being vegan that is not only touching but tells the plain truth. That’s exactly the case with this video. The real challenge about going vegan is definitely not the radical switch to a new diet. Of course, it takes some time to get accustomed to this meatless and dairy-free diet. However, the real challenge is when you face the people you probably love the most trying to explain them why you took the vegan route. Instead of expressing understanding and respect to your choice they criticize you harshly and leave you isolated. Watch the following video and you might recognize issues that you have also faced once at some point of your vegan life or probably are facing right now!

Well said
I cried watching this, it resonated with me quite deeply. I’ve shared it
Chad Eklund
Dana Pace Shaw
Love this video
What a great video well said thanks for putting the words that I couldn’t together
Protein loss
Goosebumps…I am in this revolution. Excellent video
Best video ever
They better don’t question my decision or they will hear the answer.
Wow! Hit the nail on the head.
I was told I needed this and needed that id get ill etc .vegetarian 42 years vegan around 5 yrs I’m 51 active never Ill and look in my early 4os. We can live without meat and animal products .I’m living proof
The hardest part about being vegan for me is absolutely the understanding and knowledge. It tortures me to understand what our species does to other species. It tortures me to know that so many others would rather ignore the unimaginable cruelty living beings face every day in the name of bacon, burgers, chicken nuggets… They don’t want to know because they don’t want to change. It’s sad.
The hardest part for md is having family agree with vegan being healthier and better all around but then talking to me about what animal the just cooked at there last meal and going on and on while i roll my eyes or asking me to go grocey shopping with them and then ask ms if a dead animals parts look like a good buy!! Like seriously!!! I cant believe my own family can be so two sided to my face. Its irritating!
Zac Smrecek
Great video. So spot on, it created emotions I haven’t experienced in a long time.
Literally gave me Goosebumps!! I have experienced so much of what this video said since I have begun my Vegan journey a year and a half ago. I have learned that what others say does not matter to me anymore. What matters is that I have learned the truth! Hoping that seeing my healthy results they too will change. In the meantime I continue to Thrive!! #GoVegan
Hardest for me is the constant looks and attitudes that I’m so “strange”, “you’re a vegan”, like people want to say, “you’re an alien”..and the feeling of having to defend myself..but at least we have groups like this to vent our frustrations! Thanks everyone!
Not true. Protein is plentiful in a vegan diet.
The Harding part for me was me having a vegan meal at our wedding and everyone bitching and moaning about it. Felt like telling them to bore off and not come at all!
I absolutely love this! Teared up but love this!
I shed tears watching this, so spot on!
People telling me my food looks disgusting (typically some sort of lentil dish or tofu). Really? Because your food looks like the result of a tortured and murdered terrified beautiful being. Tuck in.
To know how little I change poor animals life.
Yep. This is so true. I can’t understand how my family are so devoid of compassion that they continue to eat meat and argue that their choice is right and ‘we’re made to eat meat’ fgs really!
I didn’t choose the vegan way of eating because of the animals, i did it because of the nutritional value of eating plants, and not consuming animal fats, the nutrtional part is the most compelling because just about all our sickness’s cand be healed if we feed the body. “Let food be thy medicine”
Julie DeMoss Makuta I think you’ll like this but also have tissues ready. (not graphic)
I’m scared to watch!
You can only be protein deficient if you’re eating too little in general. (Assuming you don’t have an illness of course)
I cried too.
For the ones you don’t eat, it makes a huge difference.
When people tell me they hate cruelty to animals while eating a beef burger.
Dipika Sharma your life story
Yes you are correct, thank you!
What “We’re made to eat meat” REALLY means: “I like meat and don’t want to give it up and don’t want to think about what it took to get it on my plate.”
Ok…but please don’t undermine or diminish those of us who did make the choice out of compassion. Neither of us is wrong.
Cat Race did I? I felt the nutritional side should be included!
Wow–veg for 42 years! That’s amazing. Wasn’t it much harder back then? Seems like there are so many more choices now to make it easier.
Wendy Ellis
I was 9 old when I watched a farming programme at school I was so shocked as I didn’t know what meat was. I felt disgusted that id had dead animals .The thought of flesh in my body made me sick. I told my mum I didnt want to eat animal’s anymore It was very hard as there wasn’t quorn,tofu or alternatives. The head at primary school refused to omit meat from my plate so I took was tough but even then I was an avid animal rights fighter. I was bullied and teased a’ll through primary and secondary. In my first kind etc.but it was all worth daughter is vegan she’s a fitness instructor my son’s vegetarian he’s 6 foot 5 and a Doctor We’re living proof
Yawn…such a boring argument. Plants have shitloads of protein. Accept it.
Hardest part about being a vegan for me is finding something vegan to eat while out …or staying with people who aren’t vegan…
Saw this recently and liked it!
Wish some of the people in my life who constantly berate be and harangue me would take a look do the could at least understand from my perspective. But I’m sure none will have the courage or care to watch.
Autismo Begins
A M A Z I N G. sharing and prayer someone watches !!!!!
Jan 1st 2017 marks my 26th year a vegan.
Why? Jim Mason came to my college and told me that my diet was causing mass torture and suffering, I walked out the door a vegan. Why would I not become a vegan immediately?
There was no question and I’ve never looked back
Great clip!
Yes, I can certainly relate.
Hardest part for me is everyone that’s not vegan is eating all my vegan food in the house…lol
Wow! That’s so true. Mind if I borrow it?
Definitely agree with this video. Hard to see friends as uncaring , not compassionate and hypocrites when they claim to be animal lovers. So hard to remain positive about the future for our fellow creatures.
Me too
Love your pic Tracey!
Beautiful video, really spoke to me It’s like once you know it’s always in the front of your mind!
Sherry Allard Allan Shearer Karin Ann Ryan Flint Tena Shearer Stefanie D’Aloisio Barbara Alexandre
Joanne Orsini
Mike Orsini
Nailed it.
The hardest part for me is to see people I love dearly keep eating meat and dairy even after they know the truth….the denial is so blatant to me now that I’m vegan.
I sometimes ask them why they haven’t buried that dead flesh
I absolutely loved this video. Resonated so much. I’ve watched it a few times to surround myself with ‘people’ who get it.
Time and energy. And the science stuff.
Penelope Wainwright Lindsay Moffat
Suzanna Brusikiewicz Shari Anne
Wow Christiana, what a powerful video, thanks for sharing! Hope to see you at vegfest!?
Absolutely! So excited for vegfest!
Wow you were right, amazing!
Gina Bruce
They will, I don’t bring up my dietary preferences but those who know me eventually get curious. I also read something that said even though you think they are not paying attention, it is affecting their subconscious so I reshare easy vegan meals and tips. It helps to present alternatives so they can implement changes right away.
The hardest part, is eating out and asking the cook / waitress/ cashier if their “food” contains animal products and them having no idea.
Spot on ….