The announcement by the German founder of the world’s first all-vegan supermarket, Veganz, to open a vegan shopping center in the US is definitely exciting news for both vegans and even non-vegans as surprisingly the majority of his customers aren’t neither vegans nor vegetarians but yet enjoy the variety and deliciousness of his products. The reason why even non-vegans and non-vegetarians are excited about the products of Jan Bredack, the founder of Veganz, might also be due to his congenial approach since he doesn’t seem to be preachy in any way urging people to adopt the vegan lifestyle but seems to be rather much more committed to prove the world that a plant-based diet is not only healthy but also delicious and even not pricey. Very probably, this might be the “secret sauce” why this company has become so popular and even goes for the international markets in 2016.
“You’ve heard a plant-based diet is optimal for heath and the environment, but do you ever get dismayed when perusing your local grocery store because you a) either don’t know what to buy or b) feel too tempted by conventional products to make healthy choices?
Perhaps your solution is right around the corner… As The Local reports, the world’s first vegan supermarket chain, “Veganz,” which was founded in Berlin, Germany, aims to go international and is set on opening a new location in the United States in 2016.
You can probably relate to the founder of the supermarket, Jan Bredack, who once considered himself a meat lover. He, too, enjoyed Standard European (and American) fare, but eventually got tired of the burn-out from an imbalanced life. After changing his lifestyle and ethical code in 2009, he became inspired to write the book “Vegan für alle: Warum wir richtig leben sollten” (Veganism for everyone: Why we should live right) and create a store plant-based foodies could feel comfortable in.
In 2011, the inspired foodie started the world’s first vegan supermarket and hasn’t looked back.
“The decision to open a vegan supermarket came from a potpourri of ideas after coming across various vegan products in the US and Russia,” he says.
He noted that it was difficult to “shop normally” when one adopts a vegan lifestyle, and he wanted to make the switch to veganism more accessible to everyone.
There are presently two Veganz supermarkets in Berlin, with a third intended to open this year. Stores are also located in Hamburg, Munic, and Frankfurt. On May 13th, Veganz will open its first store outside Germany in Vienna, with further planned for London, Amsterdam, Zurich, Barcelona, Milan, and Copenhagen next year. That’s not all… In 2016, Veganz will open a vegan shopping center inPortland, Oregon, including a shoe and clothing store and restaurant.
The wonderful thing about Bredack and his message is that he doesn’t preach an all-or-nothing approach – or a lifestyle of deprivation. Indeed, Jan is inspired to show the world that plant-based food can be healthy, affordable, and – most importantly, delicious. According to Bredack, 80% of customers are neither vegan nor vegetarian, and the majority seem well-educated.
“It should be really simple,” he said, “People shouldn’t have to cut out anything.”
come to Perth
A place where you don’t have to read labels or look stuff up on our phone while shopping ugh please come to Chicago and new haven, ct
I got so happy until I read the article and found out that it’s nowhere near me.
Alyssa Elizabeth Cruise hope they open up here in the UK! Fabulous..
Be happy if it will come to Northern ireland
Amazing idea!!!
Gosh If only in melbs!
This would make me so happy!
Misleading ‘Veganz’ was NOT the worlds first Vegan supermarket – maybe in Germany yes – but not in the entire world. We have had them in USA years before this place……….
The only problem I can see is that low income people may NOT be able to shop here – because we can not use our food stamp (benefits) cards at vegan stores – USA Federal govt does not allow vegan stores to accept food stamps.
Come to las vegas please!!!
Lucy Fisher
Alejandra Ayala
We want one in Canada too!!! Vancouver please!
Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!
We have to go lol
Kim Mossey
Come to Utah!!
Come to Cincinnati
WOW…. Can you bring that experience to Sussex, UK please? Do you have a site for tips and ideas?
Please come to Florida!
And there are closing over half the stores here in germany #great xD
Abbey O’Brien could you imagine walking into a store knowing you can eat everything there? How freaking awesome
Come to Wales!!!!
This is an out of date link, the company has since announced it will not longer be opening a US location at this time, but will continue expanding in Europe.
Neeeeeedddd in the U.K.
Nesta Humphries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you open up in Australia too, please?
Keep them coming across the country!!!
Please come here!
Where in the US?
Cherise Dunham Jairho Rose Lori Ann Troha Levi Sanders Kelly McGill
we need one in scotland
I’d like one where I live
Now please open one in Quebec, Canada.
come to Toronto
Need it in Tallahassee Florida
come to utah!! and bring down your prices please…
Melissa Zarn
I’m dying for a vegan store. Tired of having to go to supermarkets and walk by the meat sections. Bothers me every time I go:(
Chad Eklund
Véronique Lachance Devon Gaudin Megan Harding WHAT!!??
Alana Dynowski. And. Mathew Brache
f**k yeah !
Jocelyn Blake!
Waiting for the day India has one too.
Come to Australia!!
Open everywhere!!!
Omg this is too incredible!!!
Come to England!!! (CORNWALL to be precise!)
I want to shop here, how wonderful that would be
Come to Devon, England
Orla Cosgrove
That’s so cool
Julie Ladley Sam Parker
Megan Rose Thorpe
Drömmen Emma Pettersson
Marek Świrus
Ryan Roth
May I ask where on Seattle? I used to live in Ravenna!
When will they open in the Tri-cities Wash?
Can’t wait… can’t stand to see bodies of dead animals in the supermarket..
Jewel Grant
It won’t let me read the article. Where is this opening at?
Imagine not having to read labels ?
Josie Mullally
Portland Oregon here i come!
lets do it lol
Sunshine Lopez
Hope they will open a chain also in Italy
Love it!!!!
One in Portland, too…. Food Fight!
Portland OR
Ty! My daughter is going to be so happy!!! She is thinking about moving there!!
Teresa Aguilera
We need one in Southampton England
That would be great.
That’s only 4 hours away, a nice weekend trip in the summer.
Go vegans !!!!
Thomas, we need to go to Portland now.
I wanna work at one!
JC Czaporowski, road trip to Portland!
Not exactly “news” — this article is from 9 months ago.
Eric Henriksen
Marissa Lane
Stephen Noir
Just went to the one in Berlin! Good news!
Sean Smith
Holly Perreault
Deena Relucio
Vegan Haven in Seattle
We have food fight here already, ha
Sinéad Breagy
Josselyn Gudiel
Mademoiselle Derevianko
Can’t wait!
Carny Val !
Already got 3 vegan grocery stores right here in Brisbane, Australia. #luckyvegan #Noreadinglabels
Are you anywhere near The Cruelty Free Shop here in Australia?
A bit over 2 hours from the Brisbane one.
Take me here! Allyn Divinagracia Ava Flores
This place would be a destination in itself!!
Please be in indiana pleaaaaaase
Douglas Blair
Jake Drnec takin my ideas and s**t
Leeanne MacPherson
portland, OR of course…. Janae Micole Sandy Romero
Yes!!! That would be amazing!!
Steph Garcia Leon
Yeah, I didn’t think this could be the first in the world, I think there’s one in Hawaii as well.
It’s quite small, though, and priced up because the profits are donated to an animal sanctuary. It’s a good cause, obviously, but I can only afford to go there on rare occasions.
Andrea Maletta It’s on 50th on the Ave
too bad i dont live in Portland
Derek Finn
Is this in UK
Emilia Gill Lucchesi
Oh yes yes yes
Oh how wonderful! one near me too please!
Nathan Briles
Millie Grady they stole our idea!
The U.S are definitely ahead of us in the vegan way
Thomas Mitchell Laing Io Na
Karen Bumpus
Yolanda Marie Terbrack
Nick Forbutt moving to America anytime soon?
Kimberly Legaspi let’s move
Annie Kelesidou !!
Niku Buch
OMG this is amazing
Wie weet ooit!!
Portland, Oregon! Kimberley Ann
So jealous of everyone saying they have one near them already lol Cmon NYC
Jennie Knudtson I’ve always wanted to go there. Just another reason…..
Chloe Morgan
Nic Claeys
!!!!!! Juanairis Castaneda
Aaron Guaraldi
Andrea Kannus
Please open one in NYC!
Where in the US?
There is one in Rhode Island too. Right on the line of Pawcatuck CT and Westerly RI (Maine n Maizeys?) yummmmm!
We need one in the U.K.
I emailed Veganz to find out opening date for Portland and they replied that they’ve cancelled that in order to focus on European market which is booming.
I want something like this so much!!
Please come to Michigan! This is awesome.
my bags are already packed!!
Let’s go!!
Rebecca Wayne
Danni Crockwell
Marianne Rossiter
Sasha Hick
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE open one in Devon, England!

Brian-Jenni Russ this place would be a dream for my food allergies!
This is great news…..can’t wait until one comes to my state. Tired of running from one store to the next for certain vegan foods
Well, guess I’ll be moving to Oregon!
Kris Reilly
Holy s**t
Josh Jodel
Emily Faith Kreider heaven now exists
My dream come true! Now we need vegan TV!
Aggie Kallinicou
His coming Trumo!!
Courtney Stockstad Curtis Chauvin Andrea Govender BAPTISTS
Grace Emily
Lori Shand
I was excited to see salad dressings “for me” at my local Publix Super Markets, Inc. last night! I’m in Florida and am enjoying Ranch again!
Katie Ho
Haleigh Christopher
As a plant based diet eater I wish they would get away from the word “vegan” unknown to me it turns people away. “Mindful eating”??
Alaap Parikh
They planning on a store in Houston, TX???
Bethany Moir
oh my GOD
Aidan Kearns
Yesssss!! I agree!
It’s not the same but I get what you mean.
Woo hoo
Wish they’ll open one in NC
Meghan Talasco moving to Portland
Let’s go
Where abouts please Jessica
Portland is the perfect place:)
No I’m not
but I still would like to be one day! Need the timing to be right, so busy and tired atm and living at home is hard. I cut down tho
Esmeralda De Pal
The Cruelty Free Shop – South Brisbane. The Green Edge – Windsor. Charlie’s Vegan Pantry – Everton Park, Clontarf, and Thorneside.
Karyann StAmour
Lisa Jones Iman
Dillon Perino
Not that I live in Portland, but this was due to open in 2016… I don’t think that’s going to happen. What a great idea! I wish they had a store like this in Brooklyn. A store just for vegetarians ( like my brother and I ) and for vegans.
This is amazing
Germans are light years ahead of us!!! awesome!
Emily Scott
Jasmin Barrera wanna move to oregon?
Alison Portulano Portland road trip?
I’m down!!
Allia Tuttle Hortense Thibault
Maddie Mills guess we are moving to America u don’t have a choice sorry
new years resolution: go to america
Angela Bun
Come to New Zealand
Ali Hamed
I getcha! It is super hard!!
Raphael Gonçalves Cunha
Ella Mercore Monahan
Charlie Short this was gonna be my idea but im glad someone else did it first anyway, i guess more cities will be covered faster the more people that make vegan supermarkets
Haha -but that would be awesome!
Christine Sabbagh
Im moving to oregon
Please bring a store to the South. Please!!!
Open one here in Orange County, CA please!!!
Amanda Praxedes
Cian Gavin Aideen Gavin
Please in spokane Washington? !
Daniel Steve Mike Kamilah Jessica Andrea
Kayla Mo
Samantha DeClario
Wow imagine!!
Can we add it to the road trip
Ya! Apparently it’ll be in Portland!
Chris Warren
Where’s the UKs at? Fckin bias
haha Trump’ll probably close em all down anywho lol
London! May as well be America for how often I go to that place
Eyy don’t laugh
that’s awesome, good for you! 
There is a vegan life festival thing in london next weekend. Looks awesome, look it up!! Xx
Whaaaat? Is it in with all the regular dressings?
There is GreenBay in London!
Yes! Top shelf, $3.99 at my store!
It’s coming to my town!
Chelsea Turcotte
Ugh I want to open one so bad!!
Bring it to the UK tooo pweasseeee sooooo cooool!!!
Michael David Otero
I need to move to Portland!
Angel Orellana
Liew Tzyy Jiun
Rein Beau
Cassie Dominach
Julie Kristine Sullivan
I’m not usually a fan of replacing “s” with “z” but that little pet peeve aside this is wonderful newz!
I didn’t even see that. It is annoying
Yes ! I’m getting angry how I have to run to many cities to get various foods. How can Minnesota be so behind the times and so ignorant
what is?
Lancey Morris
Betty Henriquez!!!!
Erica Richter
Lucy Gastall
Yay!! I heard this a while ago! So stoked!
Pamela Weebumsin
One last time Jasmine Chungu
Jessica Flatequal
I have to look down and practically run when I have to walk by the meat section.
Madi Segedy
Bella Mendoza
Thanks Melanie Andrews i will be finding this when in US next time xx Amy Gee Donna Jay Monica Giordimaina Trish Santinon xx
*moves to Portland*
That would be wonderful!!! I’m so tired of reading labels!
Jay Ventura
Food fight grocery!
There’s a vegan grocery store in Portland for years called food fight!
This is awesome!! I wish it was coming to Los Angeles.
monmouth oregon has bi mart..winco foods is in independence a short walk away
thats where we go if we cant get to walmart in salem or dallas 
Amazing!!!!! Might need to move to the US lol! Xx
When in Aus tho
Wendy Camargo-Flores
Stuart Heidmann
Sarah Rose Steckler looks like you and me have to move to Portland now!
Vegan haven is very nice but since they rely on donations they have very high priced stuff at their store but I love supporting it. The cashiers work for free
I’m in Florida too waiting for the new beyond meat burger to get here publix is supposed to carry it once it gets to us but yes an all vegan store would be nice
Candi Reddick
Nawal Gad Amin Mohammad Abu-Areesh Imad Mohammad Madison Barakat waaaat
The grammar is so bad I can’t even read this. Love Veganz though.
Charlie Finn
Rikki Shirra food fight has been around for years…..
Bryan Sam I wanna go
It would be!
Ben Dulley remember this place?
Need it in Canada !
I ate the best vegan base meat substitute in Germany a couple years ago. Made with Lupine. Wish they had it here.
yeah, it was sick
be nice if he opened one in London
be nice if they opened one in london
Davina YES
Ambre Rippon
Need and want!!
Need and want!!
Happy New Years! Try everybody!! Much love
Gerri Goldsmith Alexandros Pasidis
Natalie ZM Scott Munt
Naomi Wade that’s it I’m moving to Portland!
Rob Kolb
You need to open one
Emme MacDonald kolla in
Chaveli imagine how broke we’d be if they open this in NYC, gotta try everrryyythhhanng
Sabrina Aisha
That’s my home state. Let’s go
Claire, lets go!
Cody Letson Cochran

omg we would have the best time ever!! We can create a map of all the vegan restaurants along the way and check them all out lol!!!
Im in Cincinnati too! Sad Park + Vine is closing.
Gabrielle Forman
Drew Port
Vicky Farmer Ahhh I know! I can’t believe it! Did you get anything during their closing sale? I wish he would have sold to someone else rather than close.
No I haven’t been but I agree! Loved p+v.
Haley Donovan omg
You would seriously love it there, not just cause of the vegan stuff but everything else there is awesome too.
You would seriously love it there, not just cause of the vegan stuff but everything else there is awesome too.
Awesome! Where?
Buddy Zigouigoui and I are going to open a vegan restaurant and call it the three amigos. It will have a giant ball pit as well for everyone to play in.
Good idea but The balls should be made out of a sustainable sourced natural fiber instead of plastic.
Good idea but The balls should be made out of a sustainable sourced natural fiber instead of plastic.
Lexy DeNike
Ash Mack
Ooooo good newsss
Word, we need 1 tho!
Kenzie Stapley
Melissa Morgan
Open one in St. Louis!!
Lauren Spears
Jenna Reinartz
Gabrielle Cook I wish this was in jersey
Kalena Vitalis
Pam Murray
I say I am vegan and proud of it!
Jose Castro
Stephanie Flores
Jake Sheridan Cecilia Keffer
Mary Eckert, this looks awesome! Did it already open in Portland?
Mal Morrow
Portland is always so lucky!
Serena Schade
Alexandra Rose decided for you – move to portland!
i would have to file bankruptcy
Shelly Norton
Debbie Christianson
Mihipeka Katene
Mallory Cerkleski
Of course it’s opening in Portland wreck me
Jordan Gray
Neill Byrne
Hate this – cannot read the article because the stupid window “visit our shop” pops on. Well, I will not visit your shop because I don’t like to be forced to do things. I like to have a choice and I don’t have a choice to peacefully read the article about your shop!
You can click on the top right corner “X” to close it down.
There are quite few of those around the world.
Plonking a vegan shop in Midwest will not turn people into vegans.
It’s a good word. If it turn anyway away they will never be vegan. People who eat range free meat call it mindful eating.
Demi Taylor
Just found out it is not opening so my rant was for nothing.
Denisse Mdm
Omg.. I have to move to oregon!!! Lol
Denisse Mdm go … be free to be who you are
Lol weeeeeh! I feel liberated!! Haha… seriously tho.. I might just have to move there…
There is a small vegan grocery store here but NOTHING like this. Wow! Progress, finally!
Open one in Glasgow please
I’m jealous!
Josh Mathews
Please open your store in Montreal Quebec
Come to Boston!
But it’s in Oregon :/
Lauren Skinker
Rebecca Drago McKay Kahle Kreitzinger
Is Food Fight too small to count?
Ellyn Jonsdottir Norris Another great vegan market option for Sydney.
Ewww and walking by those huge cheese areas ……. pewww!
Hazel McGregor
Harold Chavez
More of a reason to go to Portland!
Kai Kuzmik
Grace Heninger
Jordan Bettini we gotta move to Portland
Hope its vegan and not plant based haha
Sounds good to me haha
That’s why there’s farmers markets , fruit veg stores, health stores and personal gardens.
Bristol for me please
Caitlin Flynn
Where in the US?
Omg what where is this?! I need to go there!!
Jeremy Myers but it’s going to Portland
Ashley Ahlstrom
Wow does that really mean there’s no meat department!! that would be fabulous like we have those so-called healthy markets and they sell meat !!…I never really got that but this would be great if there was truly a vegan market I would be there spending my dollars…
Kathy Armstrong
But it would it hurt the movement? Nah.
Yousef Al-Matrouk now if they could open a branch in Danvers..
Jenny Davis
Chelsea Palocsik
Probably soon haha
lol classic it’s in freaking portland
Tanner Morgan need this in vic
Morgann Moyst Shannah Somerton we’re gone
Let’s move to Portland David George Gillette Jr
I thought it was here at first !!! :'(
This is great, how about BC next
Tyler McCourt how awesome babe!!
Cindy Gonzalez Do you mean Down To Earth? It’s a great store, but vegetarian, not vegan. Still have to read the labels. :/
Michele Greene
Jamie Laxton
Amy Hyde
Maisy Meakin Keely Meakin
Shannon Lipp
Derek Pool
Taylor Trout
Justin Ray
Esther Brennan
Melissa Torres
We need one of those in UK.
As a lifelong vegetarian and vegan for years, this is very exciting! A wonderful sign of things to come.
Maureen Johnson I’m so jealous of Portland!!!
moving to oregon asap
Katharine Donner Adam Baldwin Patricia Warnock
Gabrini Leblanc
Annie DeTemple, i think you may need to move.
Jesse Warbington
Ariel Siederer
Caroline Bezeau
Kristen Nicole
For all those in CA please oppose SB 18 call your senators as this is about parental rights taken away from you based on religious beliefs, educational beliefs, pro gun beliefs, vegetarian / vegan beliefs / alternative health beliefs please tell your senators to oppose and NOT co author SB 18. Very important otherwise we lose our rights as American parents to the govt
Charlotte Adams Ania Piec
Jason Grodski
Ofc it’s on the complete opposite side of the country from me. :C
Omfg road trip
oh!! thats the brand i got you
Need one in the UK
theres haymakers and riverdel.
Please can we have these in England it would be bloody amazing
Roxana Torres
Alexander V. Kuhn
Shaina Thompson
Shahni Arnold
Nick Triano Portland
Daria Lim
Walter Brueckner
Now we just need one here!q
Erin Brandsness so when are we going to Portland
I’m actually planning a trip for sometime in the next few weeks. You should come!
Sima tient fatiguante lol
Lindsey Beth Wales
(Still not as exciting as the PW mercantile)
Abhishek Sabharwal
Krystina Noeleen
Let’s gooooo Nestor Montoya road trip!!
Chris Cole
Brooke Parker can you imagine
omg that would be so fun!!
Gianfranco Raccuglia In Portland too
Damn it. We need more in the smaller cities of Australia.
I think in the next couple of years there will be
Fingers crossed.
Jamila Mendoza
Alexander Sawyer!!!
Jordan Lee Selph
Olivia Kirks wouldn’t that be the life
Jamie Victoria Mac
Nii goals
Reading every label of a product that you are not familiar with!
Yes, Ohio , the land of Bob Evans, my imagination -so many obese people.
Omg yessss
Daniel DiPrima
Ja Nelle you’re getting a vegan super market!!!

Eva De Nardi
Billy Meade Portland!!! Inge Drake
It’s not any different than any other part of America.
Emma Neeley
Johanna Koinig apparently one opening in vienna!
Nieves Bermudez
Jasmine Avenell
So far away
You wouldn’t have to read any labels
Emily Sheppard
Kaitlin Southern!!
Stephanie Moy
this could have been you Britnie Stingelin
Shanda Dreger can we go here
Yeah that’s amazing
Megg Barnett
Pratik Burman time to move to Portland
No more checking labels!!
This is amazingggff
Finally! I officially want to move to Portland. Daniel Portillo
Carolanne Gerbeau-de Lanauze
Nice!! Do you know we have a little one in Montreal
Go check out Antidote superalimentation, it’s also a restaurant
I like Portland.. Plus the other Prateek Choudhary is there
Jenny Ikegami imagine going to a grocery store knowing you could pick out whatever you wanted and not have to search through the labels.
Oh sure!!
Jacquie O’Neill
Pymer hopefully Canada soon
Jordan McCarry
Brenden Curley
Cameron Cosier Jessie Tunbridge Jayden Vrdoljak
It HAD to be Portland didn’t it? I’ve never seen so many Vegan restaurants anywhere else.
Pratik Burman It HAD to be Portland didn’t it? I’ve never seen so many Vegan restaurants anywhere else
Holy moly, that would be amazing! No more dead flesh smell! Thats a dream!
Alexis Bogiatzis
Cassidy Colleen
Rebeca Rodrigues
Read this article while eating a big old porterhouse steak…mmmmmm taste dam great!
Gabb Carr next time you go to the US!!
deffffff gonna work there
Matt Sakis
they have a lot beer too!!
Carolanne Gerbeau-de Lanauze oh cool!
Tessa Marks
Heheheh woooooo
But why is it the us
because if it came here you would die of excitement
Hahaha that’s very very true !!
Opening in Portland Alison E. Jordan
I’m so stoked for Portland Oregon!!!!
Christina Louise Thornton lets franchise!
Jarrod Basger
It’s says 2016 and Portland! Maybe it’s open already?
Oohh!! Check it out!!
I love veganz! They sell their products in quite a lot supermarkets here
Come to San Diego!
We have a vegan/vegetarian grocery store in Hawaii. Called Down to Earth, love it!
Cosmia Harvey !!
Come to Ontario? Please
Jade Mahony
We need one in South Carolina or Georgia, please!
Nesma Assafiri
Bronwyn Thompson
Brittney Britt
Jorge Gomez Jr.
Masa Yume
If you live in Toronto, Canada there’s an online vegan store. VWord Market
Maud Freeman Narelle Gruit
Told you I have a feeling about Oregon William Mafara lol
Ashlyn Chapman
Kelly Linden vegan style everything!!!!
Diego Avila heaven
Francesco Sarti mi hanno rubato l’idea!
Madeline Fox
Bec Baxter holy f**k
Tu puoi migliorarla!!!
You don’t read the labels??? What about palm oil? What about GM? What about e – numbers and chemicals? What about sugar? Vegan food isn’t necessarily any more healthy.
Finally!!! Yes!
Nalani Schaeffer don’t move there just yet please!!!!! xxxxxxxxxx
I like “plant based diet”
Sam White also my wet dream
Especially when you have to go to the meat section to get protein alternatives. They could at least create a small section for the veg stuff…
Can we open one Alisha Tiller
Yes please!
No reading labels
Lizzy Simpson I’ve been very mean to you this evening, here you go x
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
it’ll take abs aprox 1000000000000000 years to get involved with this hype
Is the store smol
Im in Kentucky lol
Oh for sure, but I thought I’d give you something to look forward to
God I wish they opened a store near me UK I hate going passed the meat knowing how many animals have suffered
Joyanne MacDonald Susan Renee Jheriko Salamy
Kiersten Lynn Alexa Whelan Corinne Crispino
I’m just wishing for a trader Joe’s or something where I live! The closest one is like over 2 hours away.
Maria Pinzon
Kalyn Kenney
Amelia Ruland Alice Hart Hannah Nicholson ahhhmayyzzinnggg
Andrew Vrin
Cloé Zenga :,-)
I wanna go
We must go!!!
Felipe Leon
Hannah Watts
Niki Tasha
Olivia Purdon Emily Rhoades desd
We need a store like that in Canada … No, sorry. We need a store like that in every city around the world!
Tara Duffaay Sophia Ithnin we need to take a trip!!!!!
Tara Duffaay bring back all sorts for us haha
Erin Hardy
Ashley Morin look what’s in your hometown, you lucky girl
Catherine Shiels
Brian N Laurice Williamson Angele Rowley
Sérina Constantineau-Booth
YES YES YES!! Hate to go the the supermarket and see the meet sitting there…
Please bring Veganz to the UK!!
Stephanie Falquez Berlin is where it’s at tho
Daniela Falquez yup that’s where I want to go but not move cuz$#%&!@*the cold lol
Ali Hart Shelby Michael Cheyenne Senesac
I just wish they had chosen a city other than one with two independently owned awesome vegan grocery stores, Food Fight.
Canada please!
Profit margins. When something won’t make enough $$$ in an area, they aren’t going to put one there. I can only hope that radically changes!
I can’t see where it is located. When I click on it there is a box trying to sell T shirts that I can’t close to read the article. I am a vegetarian but will try to go vegan soon.
I had that same problem. I hope it’s somewhere I can get to.
Nicole Fleming
Meghan Canny cya
Take me with you omg
Heather Horton hell yesssss
That is amazing!!!!!!
Wow please one here Crystal Ann xx
Jay Rose
Welsley Lui, we need to move
Rebecca Richmond
Looks like it was put on hold, indefinitely:
So jealous!!
Kaitlyn Ireland-Ridge
Iona Macleod
Thats awesome! Needs to go nationwide!
Tanya Diaz
Bridget Gibbs
id cry of happiness if the uk gets that
Lars Lystrup
When? Where?
Pat John I want this in Montreal so badly!
Immy Vegansaur
There was Antidote Bouffe Végane but now it’s more of a bistro than grocery store :/
So cool – hope soon to see a store like that near my home
Hmm well progress is being made everyday! We’ll get there
It’s going to be in Portland, Kara Hamada!!! I just left. Now I guess I have to move back.
Lena Kay Atchan
Brb I’m gonna move to Portland real quick
DavRicia L. Hughes
Taylor Shasteen
The dream
Tan Truong
Margaret Bryson Kimra Luna-Diggs Victoria Masters Erin Glasser-Devore
There is an all vegan store in Brooklyn and one in Rancho Cucamonga near where I lived in California. It will awesome when they have more all over the world!
Kimra Luna-Diggs and Rabbit Food grocery in Portland! I’m all for more vegan grocery stores!
Jay Jay heaven
Yesenia Alvarado Michaels
Yesenia Alvarado Michaels lol not for you
Corie Moe
Kaylee Chalmers
Courtney Carter Maryssa!
There’s one in vienna
Zapata Parra Daniel Litjens when we all go camping together we have to go somewhere near portland and stock up here!!
Katie Wright
Xanthe Sutton
Plant based and vegan are different. If they’re also selling non food items such as toiletries then using the word vegan makes more sense than plant based. Plant based is about diet. Vegan is a lifestyle.
Wish there was one in Perth
Open one in Orlando please
Why even bother commenting
You do realize that not eating meat has contributed to mental health issues and smaller brain mass….
This is awesome, I hope it comes to Canada someday.
Megan Sams I am 57, been vegetarian/ vegan for 30 years. There were no vegan shops then but people were vegans. You need clients for a business to be successful and the vegan shop would not survive and would not turn people into vegans. Believe me. I had a coffee shop in 1990s in South Africa and people wanted tuna and chicken mayonnaise sandwiches instead of vegetarian food. Social media, documentaries, celebrities getting involved, marches – those turn people into vegans. And vegans themselves by living by example.
Eating a vegan diet actually contributes to a longer lifespan and Lower risk of many diseases including cancer
not all of us eat processed or sugar filled food
Giovanna Marchese
There is already an all vegan store but its in Rancho Cucamonga. :- a little far for me
Wish they would open one in Canada
Omg this is amazing
I would be the happiest person ever if this came to the UK! My life would get a whole lot easier!
Meagan McMaster
Amanda Salazar This is awesome!!!
Yes, finally!!! I heard about this awhile ago!!
Kay Stelzer
Lachlan Peterson yassss!! We need to go to the USA just for this
Danny Rodriguez
Come to Toronto please!
LA Please!
Alejandra San Martin one day!!!
Michelle get a book. Do some research. People don’t turn to meat diets to cure illness….They turn to vegan and plant based. No one’s brain is shrinking. We just go straight to the vitamins source without needing to wait for an animal to do it. Where do you think the animals you eat get nutrients from? And my mental health has been great. Just less tolerant of stupid people.
Open one in New York City pleeeeaaaassseeeee!!!
I actually have a degree in Thai stuff…
Keirra Gudgel I suggest you read research .
Yay!!!! We are only 600 miles away!
The plan to open in Portland has been (indefinitely?) postponed.
Please open one in the UK !!!!
Faith Lauren Ronning
Heather Margeaux !!!!!!!
Need in Sacramento please!!
Rebecca Pilgrim
Kaitlyn Lozano
Brittney Correll this is what I was talking about!
Larissa Bull
Ashley Breyfogle
Isabella Campbell Harry
Jessica Clark
Jessica Duguay comme dequoi les américains sont genius !!
so exciting, come to canada now!!!!
Chloe Andrews
Keith Campbell
Heck yes!
We need one in Reno but than again we have more vegan restaurants than vegas
Toronto please!
Så du lämnar mig för lite grönsaker? I’ve never been hurt like this before
Come with me u idjit
There’s one in Berkeley CA too: Vegan Republic. Plus it’s run as a fundraiser for Animal Place, a farm animal sanctuary!
Geetha: Look what’s coming to Portland.
Emma Smith
There are a couple here but way too expensive
Vicky Guillemette
Cheyenne Rawak I guess it’s in Portland? (Didn’t read the post just comments lol) but how cool would this be??
Oh snapppppp
Kayleigh Ice
Rose Barry
Allie Benavides apparently this is in Portland !!
Aw$#%&!@*nvm according to the comments they cancelled the opening lmao
Sorry I just kill it hahaha fml
could do with vegan festivals where people can taste samples of food and watch cooking demonstrations and talks etc
Too bad it is in Oregon…
Lisa Hare
NatCharlie new year new us
A vegan wonderland
See there you go.
Sandra Yonan
Adam Tobia
Jte comprend tlm jtai ou capable d’arrêter lol jai tlm hate ce soit iciiiii ouuuiii moi ausssii jvx y allleer mais jvois pas cest ouuuu
On fait nos recherches !!!!!!!!!!!!
Megan Grace Udesky add Portland, Oregon to the list
Vrnda Noel
Taylor Trout
They have an all vegan store grocery store in Austin Texas already
Leah Honarbakhsh
Please open one in SoCal
Shelley Richardson
Omg we’re going Laurie Hamilton Smith
Rita Rajput
Ruby Davey
Jacopo Schürch read article and vid plz.!
Molly Hodson
Angela Bun
I would go to portland…I try not to have an opinion of anything until I experience it myself. This is really cool
Austin James Kaili Really want to go to Plant Power that fast food restaurant tho.
Manuel Alvarez
Jas Assi
Kim Saggu
Miroslava Reynolds
I need this in Houston pleeeeeease
Oohhh nooooo
I can’t find the comment, but somebody found out that they canceled buuuuuu
omggggggggg Kaydee Traghella
Braeden Attwood
Please come LA!
I don’t think this is happening anymore. We’ve heard nothing here.
Good luck; there was meant to be one opening in London two years ago and we’re still waiting for it!
I know! I’m dying
Amy Claire
Omg this would be awesome!!!! Sara Burns
Kim Walker Ferry
Shaun Briggs pls
Astrid Manzanares
Ash Mild
Kevin Brendle
Megan Low
No more reading labels Yessss !!
Terry Grado
Come to Dallas!
Regina Hise
I’m sure you heard about this, Sunny, pretty cool!
Johnny Sanford
Another reason I long for the Pacific Northwest…so lucky!
Sheri MacNeil
Vegans SUCK.
Wait are vegans that sensitive that they can’t even look at a dead animale now? clearly I’m missing something as a new vegan
Emma Laing
Natalie Carmichael shame it’s in USA lols
Shelby Lombardy Hahn you live in WA right? This is in Portland!! Idk how far you are from there but this is so cool!
Morgan Taylor
Britt Douglass
Forbici Hair imagine if this opened near us?!? We would be in heaven.
Omg come to candaaaaa!
We will open our own
Kristina Grace
Yeah! Plz come to Massachusetts
Can’t wait! It’s so great to not have to read all the fine print in evwrything
Margaret van der Bie
Prairie Shmyrko
Daniela da Rocha Luis Miguel
Johnny Makris-Munos
Madison Pierce
s**t yeah!
Lukasz Zawadzki Ewa Sobieska
Jasmyn Eisenschenk
Olivia Orr
Carlos Díaz-Oliver Gómez
f**k yes
Grace Watson
Omg yes!! Australia needs a big one how amazing would that be heaven in a store with no dead bodies or excrements or poison
Sarah Kavanagh
Christina Harmsen, one day, it will be available in Perth..
Cannot wait for that day! F
I suggest going to Food Fight instead. Portland doesn’t need another vegan supermarket and as much as I love Veganz… it’s not the world’s first all vegan supermarket.
Stephanie I hope they bring one here. That’s a really smart idea
Sophie Rickard
Nicole Stein
Stacey Michelle Smith
Josh Krueger that would be heaven
Émilie Pagé magine rentrer dans une épicerie pis pas regarder une seule liste d’ingrédients!!!! Le rêve ♥️
Dying for a vegan store…. Hmmm
Richard Nixon
Elise Spell
Thats neat! Ive considered taking it upon myself to open an all vegan store around here, it would be nice
Would provide you with more variety of supplies and whatnot. It’s a cool idea.
Nick Marcotte
Alexis Alexis Troup
Matt Des Vignes
Samridhi Khanal
Charlotte Griffin
Can there be one in LA lmao plz
Jesselyn Torlak – this store is opening in Portland! I know it’s an hour away for you but still would be cool to visit at some point.
Matt Goch
Omg yay!!!
Grace Campbell
This says it would be in 2016, does that mean it’s already there?
Mechelle Wilkins
Duane Devanté Lewis
Geena Emily
Riley Shepherd THIS is why I want to move to Portland. Land of hippies. So many naturalists, vegans/vegetarians, etc etc. Ooh, and candle shops!
I’m down for it, darling c:
Sarah Ann Hengy
Josh David WilsonSophia Louise Wilson this need to happen here!!
Yes, Oxfordshire, please!
Emma Quibbons are they fully vegan? Is there one in Manhattan too? I’d love this!
Jacob Krajewski Amanda Torres
Veganz is awesome, been there in Munich. Wanna have them here in Edinburgh
One of my bucket list items is to make it to Food Fight, an all vegan grocery store in Portland.
Mel Burgess
Joseph, never mind!
Kevin Mannette
Peter Bloom
Codie Thompson
What about canada!?
Why is the east coast so far behind? Very few health store here..
Donna George I’ll see you there! I too am in Bristol.
There are many great locations and an audience for it in Biddeford maine
Sue Horwedel
as long as it is organic and GMO free as well..
Daniel Liam coming to pdx!!!
Karley Watson sometimes there is no choice as sometimes there are products near or on the other side of the aisle
Dreams do come true!! Hahah this is amazing. Can’t wait to have one near me :))
Duncan, Cameron, Ryann, Kennedy, Gail, Bren
I’m not sure how I feel about it. I love the growth but Food Fight! is always my first pick in PDX
It should be interesting.
Aryelle Attridge-Weeks
Callan Ian Hodgkinson
Please come to San Diego, Ca!
Susie Adele MacLennan
Lauro Castillo Jr.
Portland, Oregon.
Suraj Sudera
Elizabeth Topalian
Where is it? Erewhon in los Angeles was vegan but they introduced meat.
Matt Vincent
Make one in Chicago!!!
Donna George Sorry, I had to look to see where you are. My dentist is in Dursley. We used to go to The HoneyPot. Was so upset when it closed. Used to get all our vegan chocolate there after we’d been to the dentist!
Josh Rose
Claire Prendergast I actually am from Dursley I live in yate now. I have never heard of the Honey pot whereceas it
It used to be near the Iceland that’s in the shopping area. It was a little health food shop run by a a couple of ladies. I used to like to think I was single-handedly keeping them in business!
Shayna Nikki Need to take a trip there!!
Ciän Möllöy look at this!!
We need more than one!
Who wrote this? I mean, yay for a vegan market, but how many grammatical errors can one make in a single sentence? “…aren’t neither vegans nor vegetarians but yet…”
Sophie Brown
First ?
Food fight Oregon !
Denise Esquivel Van Houtte
New York! Please!!!
Evelyn Rodriguez!! When you come back to the US next!! Portland Oregon

Mélodie Jouberton omg!!!!!!!!!!
Oh mais oui!! Enfin ca existe !
Mélodie Jouberton enfin aux states quoi
Oui mais c’est un début! C’était pas gagné
yeah! we are openeing our own vegan market too! It opens in March!
Another reason I wish I lived in Portland!
Alisha Veksler
Ashley Shaw
Safiyyah Jackman-Williams
Karolann Larouche
Vincent Arteaga my idea!
Michelley Celone!
It says Portland, I must go!!!!
Definitely worth the trip
For sure! Would be so fun !
Sadly, there is not going to be this all vegan store in Portland:
Hoping there will be one in Los Angeles area soon!
Matthew Cattell could you imagine
I would LOVE to be able to shop here.
Publix has a crappy selection of vegan / veg foods and they’re expensive. Much cheaper at Walmart. Target carries a large selection of foods by Sweet Earth Farms. Their Benevolent Bacon is to die for.
Heather Deanne
James Saul
Thanks, love this
Matt Nemetchek
Adam Arcieri
Aww thought was going to read Melbourne
Sharon, Thank you for your thoughts. I work at Publix, and believe competition is always good for the customer. So, I look forward to Publix continuing to grow in this category and be competitive with the needs of our customers. I’m going to check out that bacon and see if we can get it in our stores.
Meanwhile, I just saw Daiya (spell check) pizzas last night. So, progress is progress! 
Sarah Wilson
Cool but they have Trump.
M-a mabrouk
Emily Hellinger
If there was a store near me I would probz go vegan
Alex Edgley
Yay!!! Come visit and we’ll go up there and check out some potential areas to live and work!
At our Tesco the meat and veggie section is on the same part so you have to go past the meat. Its almost as if its planned, like the meat sellers are laughing in your face…
meliss I am so serious about it I want to move maybe end of summer! I’ve already been looking up rentals and horse boarding
Kerry Robinson
Hemal Dias hurry up with those business plans this man is beating you to it!!
Please here in Tucson Arizona
Jaiden Long
omg where is it opening
Jaiden Long damn ur gonna make me read the article
Xena Rodriguez i read it and it didn’t say lol
Jaiden Long portland
Can you open a store in San Diego please please ?
There’s an all vegan store in Portland. This is nothing new! Food Fight! Grocery
Katie Ricketts
I am on the coast of Oregon its miserable for Vegans
Karley Watson sometimes there is no choice.
Where is it in the US?
Michaela Louise Avey
I totally understand this, but you don’t have to walk past the meat sections… my friend is vegan and she just avoids going near the areas in the shops that she doesn’t like
Mackenzie Emily Anne Unitas
Alexander Krantz
Oh thanks for tagging me in this!! So amazing
Like a beautiful dream
Chantel Anna Regan Bradley Lyla Al-Sayyid
It’s not, unfortunately. This is an old article and I believe they cancelled it.
Madison Reid
Janaya Kellough
Martin Gonzalez portland, oregon
you wanna move to portland?
no haha but visit
no haha but visit
no haha but visit
do you all have some type of allergy?
Cassandra Dee
Kelly Lynn and Eric Schulman – yet another reason to visit Portland!
I have been waiting for this!!!!!
Babe I think we are somewhat in the near future! There are so many vegans and vegetarians!!!
Where is this Allyson Folson
James Smart wowee
Amber Gilewski
This seems awesome.
Yeah bring it downunder, pleeeeease!
Yes … we are allergic to animal cruelty !
Lee Price
I love Veganz. When ever I’m in Berlin it’s my go to supermarket. I hope they open one in BC. One can only hope.
Pesa Morrison Roy Haffner
Eve Williams
I can’t wait!!!
Bec Kinderman
Jordan Sky Finding Totally agree and it saves time. My grocery is faster because half of the grocery store is not for me! But what is weird is that after you have made the transition, without realizing it, you get a bit sick when you smell a whiff of the stuff you used to looove! It is a big thing. At first I would buy my husband his meat and after a while it was so hard for me to do that he would have to go buy and cook his meat/fish. Now, after a few years, my husband will eat about 1 steak a year in the house and maybe 2 at restaurants! So my going vegan has affected his taste of meat. He will tell me that now he really doesn’t feel the desire that he had before!
I hope some day soon they open one here in Los Angeles California
Ruben Macotela
Mary Noelani
Brooke Reese. Cool!!
::heavy breathing:: oh my lanta
Sheena Buskirk-Larsh!!!
Corrie R James
Marie-Ève Legault
i would cry walking in there
Rich– first US store in Portland!!
Let’s have them all over the uk please!!!
Somer N Ezekiel Romero
Ray Ray Snow
Belinda Jakobsen
Hopefully it does so well it opens up chains in Canada too
Veganz is an amazing store.
veganz in the usa Chris Føx Naima Vd Voort
Brelyne Belnap
Andrew This would make our life a whole lot easier!!!!
need more stores like this around the U.S. and Canada …. that’s the way the future is heading
Elena Grant
Imagine walking into a shop and being able to buy aaaaanything
Dani Summer
Nothing here ;_;
There is already an all vegan grocery store Viva La Vegan Grocery
It’s not happening…
Please come to Canada!
Danielle Coates.
I heard about this. That’s great
Jahnava Leclerc, Hind Biadi, Patrick Rohar.. I AM IN LOVEEEEE!!!!
Australia next plz Ellie Pich
Maii Jun !!
Road trip
Yes, it is. We need one here.
Varför bor vi inte i Tyskland?? Fanny Charlotte Ehn
No kidding. They’ll get there
How wonderful that would be to be able to walk in a store and not have to dissect all the ingredients in everything
Rose Esselstyn Julia Tarnow Izzy Tils Avi Bond
Right? Like imagine going to a supermarket and being able to buy literally everything there ahhhh
Road trip to Oregon
um yes please
Dana Garrigan
Alexia Raad
Sara Serrato
That would be so brilliant! I wish they’d open one in Australia!!!
Vi flyttar dit haha
Grace Kelliher
Lisa Palermo
Sophia-Joelle Oswald
Emilia Apelsin
Fingers crossed they adopt a no fur policy!
Open one!!!
I’m not vegan but I’d love to shop there
Bénédicte Lapierre
Please come to Altoona, PA
Come to Scottsdale and Phoenix Arizona!!!
It’s opening all over Europe and now in Portland.
Marisa Liliana!!
Ciara Leigh Garnett-Andrade!!!!! All my prayers have been answered lol
Man, I live in a small city in the Midwest. We probably won’t get one of these stores until 2050.
I’ll probably have to go to Chicago or someplace.
I’m in Oshkosh, WI…I hear ya. It’s impossible to find all vegan restaurants even. We have a few good grocery stores with good selections, but nothing like this.
Patrick Watts
Hannah Watts
Leslie Nielsen Kathy Platt There is a rumor that a possible VEGANZ is coming to Naples.
I hope soon in Chicago!!
Bring it to nyc we need one bad over here
It’s coming!!!
Alishya Lyne
Frankie Thompson how groovy
Corinne Angelica check this out!
We need one in London!
Karla Flores
Where is this in the us? Has it already been opened?
Ana Ponce
Cristina Sanchez amazing!
Where is this
I couldn’t figure it out lol
Sooo cool omg!!
Laina Martin
Becky Hamilton Shae Rodriguez
Yassss! We can finally shop and not worry!
Haha let me guess, it’s in Austin
Cassidy Jackson
That will just make my life so easy
This is SO COOL
Corey Brandon Fields
Awesome haha
Brooke Hepburn
Jordan Larocque Kathleen Weaver Shendrita Ajvazi
Rita!! This is going to be kind of close to you!!
Omg omg omg omg
Open more than just one!!! We need lots of these!!
I lived in Germany and use to shop at veganz all the time.. it is actually awesome:)
Kristina Marie
Kristina Marie Natalie Rose Coveleski
Kristina Marie I know!

Dale Williamson
Oh Germany, why are you so great?
Wow where!
Wait Portland? That’s pretty obscure. Lucky them.
Albana Ajvazi
Makalah Biddle
Shendrita Ajvazi Portland!!
This is the latest news about Veganz