Raising kids vegan is brainwashing, right? Vegan parents force THEIR beliefs on their children and severely limiting their choices. With all the nutrition concerns of vegan diets and the social difficulties faced by kids seen as “different,” is it fair, or even safe, to raise kids vegan? In this interview video, hear real vegan parents respond to these concerns!

Who’s to say it’s forced?? Education isn’t abuse
My kids have been vegan since birth, and I have been vegan since this year and I am so grateful for this lifestyle. It has helped me come such a long way of making better, healthier choices for not just me but my children, too. Health starts at a very young age, and I hope they can be attentive to what they put in their bodies the older they get.
ابو امينت
My son says I planted a seed. But he surprised me and decided to be a veg/an