After very beautiful women like Beyonce, Stella McCartney, Ellie Goulding and Jennifer Lopez have joined the vegan journey people start to reconsider their diet habits more frequently. Those women are not only rewarded with awesome health benefits by going vegan but also by a much more beautiful and younger skin since the vegan diet consists of a wide variety of fruits and vegetables which nourish the health of the skin, hair and nails resulting to an appearance that literally glows with health. As a consequence, they look more beautiful. People who suffered constantly from an irritated skin or from acne discovered that their skin became clear, young and healthy again after they had adopted a vegan diet. So, there is obviously a significant connection between a vegan diet and an overall skin health. However, there are many more benefits of a vegan lifestyle that makes you look younger and more energetic such as a dramatic improvement of the quality of your sleep. Anjali Sareen has written an excellent article in the Huffington Post listing many more qualities that come along with a vegan diet.
“When I first made the decision to adopt a vegan diet, many of the more “seasoned” vegans in my life told me about all the wonderful benefits I could expect. I heard that I would likely drop unwanted weight more easily, that I would have more energy and that I wouldn’t have to worry as much about things like heart disease or cancer.
Those things all sounded great, but after I went vegan, I discovered a whole world of benefits no one had ever told me about.
The first was that seemingly overnight, my skin turned from an acne-prone mess into beautiful, clear, healthy-looking skin. I had struggled with acne my entire teenage life and into my early adulthood, and to be completely honest, I had tried everything to help solve the problem. Harsh chemicals on my face, eliminating junk food, facials — the works! Little did I know my dairy habit could have been the culprit for my constantly-irritated skin. Turns out, there is a link between ditching dairy and improving your skin’s overall appearance. I wish someone had told me so I could have chucked it sooner!
The next “secret” benefit I discovered was that I slept better than ever. I have a reputation among friends and family for being able to sleep for unusually long amounts of time, but after I went vegan, I realized a lot of that was because the quality of my sleep had always been terrible. After I went vegan, I found that I was sleeping for less time each night but waking up more refreshed. Turns out, it wasn’t just me: A study on the physiological benefits of a vegan diet found that subjects who switched to eating purely plant-based reported an improvement in the quality of their sleep.
I also read some anecdotal evidence from older vegans about how they felt their diet had slowed down their aging. It was certainly nice to hear that the way I was eating might help me stay young!
I wasn’t alone in finding “secret” benefits to my new diet. A friend of my sister’s went vegan and nearly overnight her battle with IBS stopped. The dairy, it seemed, was upsetting her stomach and going vegan eliminated her troubles. Another friend saw his bad cholesterol levels plummet. This isn’t super unusual, I learned, as only animal products contain dietary cholesterol. Still another friend saw his allergies disappear.
Besides the physical benefits though, there were also some great “life” benefits. One of the first was that almost immediately, I discovered a whole community of friends I was missing out on — not just vegans, but those interested in better health and environmental sustainability. It wasn’t fun to be at work and invited to a gathering where I knew everyone would be chugging beer and eating greasy pizza, so I welcomed meeting people with similar interests. To be completely honest, the veggie potlucks I was invited to certainly helped improve my circle of friends (not to mention, they were delicious!).”
To read the rest of the article, check it out on the original source over at The Huffington Post.
Yes, ma’am
A lot of w hat we associate with aging is actually poor health.
Darnell Armoogam
Francisco Rios
The definition of veganism: A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of humans, animals and the environment. JLo and Beyonce are far from being vegan.
The definition of veganism: A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of humans, animals and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals.Beyonce and JLo may eat a plant based diet but are far from being vegan as the definition states that it is a philosophy of
Jenifer Lopez and Beyonce are fake vegans because they both wear leather and furs who says that are vegans?
I’m vegan and I wear my old non-vegan clothing that haven’t tossed out because I unfortunately would be left with close to no clothing. I don’t purchase any animal based clothing currently. When coming into this lifestyle I went by gary yourofsky’s words that it isn’t necessary to toss out your animal made clothing. You can wear it until it wears out. So I followed that. That doesn’t make me a fake vegan
Ech hun do emg kleng recherche gemaach an wat d beyoncé ugeet : hat as net veganerin mee firun all welt-tour mecht hat eng 1 mount vegane program
Stéphanie Santos schued :/
Véronique Linden jup
Hannah Harding
Tom Wijesinghe you
But Beyoncé and J Lo are still buying leather and fur products
Jennifer wears fur
Buy now 100% Vegan Broccoli sweatshirt (Limited)
there is more colors and other items too (mugs- totes- Tees ) check them out here
Beyonce is a joke…..
What we are on the outside is what we were born with. Beauty is genetic.
What matters is our heart and our compassion and kindness to all living creatures. I am weary of actresses and singers getting credit for being vegan and beautiful …. take credit for being vegan. Just that.
I think they should say being vegan makes one look younger because it’s a healthier diet
I don’t care about the fake pop culture stars, bw, since I change my bad food habits and becoming more and more vegan , I noticed some glow in my skin, eyes and my actitud, definitely bring some light
Beyonce, jlo are not vegan…. they simply plant based… you can’t wear animal skins and be vegan…
Tars Smyth we can’t help it lols
absolutely right
I Agree anyone else?
<3 Sweet !
Yup Indeed
Amazing post very interesting
Beyonce know damn right she’s not vegan after her video of her and Nicki eating a burger
Well i look like a potato so…..
Totally agree!
Agus Mileo
Im Vegan and today is my 40th birthday!
Omg this made me laugh so hard! At least potatoes are vegan?
Jennifer Lopez might not eat meat but she wears fur.
Idk I break out a lot still lol I guess that’s how I stay looking young lol